

Convert Nikon D90/D5000 movie files into Adobe Premiere CS4 compatible


For a limited time only € 5.90!!!

If you try to import a movie file recorder by Nikon D90/D5000 into Premiere Pro CS4 on the Mac, you got an "unsupported compression" message.

NikoPre 1.0 let's you convert AVI file to a compatible one and then import into premiere cs4 without error.

The process is very easy, select the folder where the Nikon D5000/D90 .AVI clips are stored and hit "Convert". That's all!!! This will replace out a .MOV file (no conversion time), which imports right into Premier Pro on the Mac.

Then drop it into an HDV 720P 24fps Sequence and edit away.

The resulting .MOV file is the exact same size as the original .AVI.

NikoPre don't save a backup of your movies so if you want to store the original ones, you have to copy into another folder.

The simple interface of NikoPre, just two buttons to convert in one time thousands of movies.

Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard)